Logo Explanation
“That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.”
John Stuart Mill
The logo is intended to illustrate some aspects of the model which are described in greater detail on this website.
It shows a cosmology depicting an apparently expanding universe whose closed 3-dimensional surface – the present – is represented by the solid red circle. The smaller dotted red circle shows an earlier epoch and the dotted red outer circle a later one.
The full green lines illustrate the conventional back light cone and their dotted green extensions the future light cone.
The pale blue curves represent the back light ‘cone’ of the new model. These are really Spirals of Archimedes which actually never reach the point J at the (perceived) centre of the universe. The dotted blue lines represent the path of light from A to relatively moving observers G and F; they are as close as we get to the future light cones of conventional SR.
The letters ic indicate that our new model seeks to represent the speed of light as a mathematically imaginary number. Justification for this is given elsewhere on this site.
The logo does not attempt to illustrate the unorthodox views on space which form the backdrop of this geometrical illustration. However the closed 3-dimensional surface represented by the solid red circle is consistent with the view of space discussed elsewhere on this site.
Time is something else…discussed on this site.